Value of the month - Early Years


We strongly believe in this thought and the Early Years had ‘Sharing’ as the value for the month. With Dussehra and with Diwali round the corner, it seemed an apt time to inculcate the value of ‘sharing’.

Teachers explained the importance of sharing and children were encouraged to share gifts with and express gratitude to the support staff at home and the people who help them.

JULY 2021

The value in focus for the month of July was ‘Being helpful’ which will help them grow into responsible human beings.

JUNE 2021

The value in focus for the month of June was ‘Being courteous’. Songs, games and stories on when to use the magic words- thank you, sorry, pardon me were part of the synchronous classes. Now, more than ever, it is vital for our children to practice these values to make the world a better place and grow up to be responsible members of the society.