The Writer Emerges

"To teach is to learn twice over"
– Joseph Joubert

The students and teachers of Grade 7 NPS Koramangala undertook an innovative initiative to provide a stimulating writing adventure to the parents and a unique learning experience for the students themselves on the 14th, 15th, and 16th of February 2024.

The session began with the students acquainting the parents with the distinct stages and nuances of the process of writing through a comprehensive and productive presentation. This was followed by the most exciting part of the workshop. The parents metamorphosed into students and their wards transformed into facilitators or mentors -a complete role reversal. Armed with writing booklets, and essential tools, the timorous, the nervous, and the self-assured marched forward in the quest for the holy grail viz. a descriptive well-written draft, on a topic of their choice. During the entire process, parents were enthusiastically guided by their wards and immensely enjoyed the exercise that teleported them to their childhood days.

The initiative was not just a live lesson to refresh their writing expression, style, and vocabulary but also a medium of great bonding between the children and their parents, cathartic for some and therapeutic for others. The audience was also privy to deep emotional connections over poignantly written nostalgic pieces.

This maiden ‘visible learning’ project proved to be immensely gratifying and successful for everyone involved in the journey.