NPSK- Hack 2023
Talented minds driven to make a difference, gathered to push each other's limits by creating innovative projects on July 26th and 27th 2023 at NPS Koramangala as it hosted its 6th edition of the inter-school hackathon – NPSK- Hack 2023.
NPSK-Hack 2023, supported by Microsoft, witnessed intense coding where some of the sharpest minds created ingenious designs on the 3 themes given to them: productivity, social impact, and technology in science, to fight it out for the top spot.
In her inaugural speech, Ms. Irina Ghose, Managing Director, Microsoft-India talked about adapting to new circumstances and embracing the new technology that is being developed, which the participants portrayed wonderfully in their projects. As she rightly put it, a maze of problems, if looked at from another perspective, can also become a cup of opportunities! The action-packed two days saw the emergence of brilliant ideas such as applications to help the elderly in day-to-day activities, programs to help manage time and maintain productivity and software that could determine the correct tree to plant in the local area. Mentors from Microsoft helped the team with bug fixes and gave them insightful advice on how to tackle the topics given. All 15 teams were given 7 minutes each to make their presentations on stage. Mr. Venkatesh Mahadevan, FBCS (Fellow of British Computer Society) and a CXO-level professional was the keynote speaker on the second day of the codefest. Mr. Mahadevan influenced the students to be bold in their decision-making and trust their team to achieve their goals.
At the end of the second day, NPS Rajajinagar bagged first place with their project Vconnect! Rediscover Your Purpose!, an online tool to seamlessly bridge the gap between real-world engagements and digital networking power by connecting users to events and activities of their interest, in close proximity to where they live. They were presented with the Hack Rolling Trophy and certificates. The second place was shared between NPS HSR’s app Star Navigator with the tagline All Stars are Closer (an app that can show you a projection of the night sky at your location and time and also pull up possible matches when you enter the hip value or the name of a star), and NPS Mysore’s Hands that Talk, that tackles the problem of accessibility through an application that can convert sign language to text, thereby making life easy for people with hearing impairment. The third place was secured by Deens Academy with their College Buddy Junior Study project which is aimed at educating the rural population through mentorship by urban scholars.
The CEO of the NPS Group of schools, TISB and NAFL, Mr. Hari Krishnan talked about ethics in technology and how the onus is on Gen Z to maintain integrity amidst challenges. The Principal, Ms. Jyotsna Nair along with Mr. Krishnan presented the awards to the winners.